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How to be naturally productive

July 22, 2024

Learning has always been a passion of mine, especially when it comes to learning from others. However, this wasn't always the case. There were times when I felt constrained by traditional education, particularly when following a predetermined curriculum set by educational institutions. I've always thrived when learning independently, exploring topics that genuinely captivate my interest.

I could maintain high productivity for hours when pursuing subjects I loved, but my efficiency would plummet when forced to study topics dictated by others. This realization made traditional university education less appealing to me. Instead, I chose a path of self-directed learning - unconventional, perhaps, but immensely rewarding.

Looking back, I consider this decision one of the best I've ever made. It not only expanded my technical knowledge but also played a crucial role in shaping who I am today. Along this journey, I encountered failures, battled procrastination, and experienced moments of isolation. However, these challenges provided me with invaluable life lessons that went far beyond mere academic knowledge.

Drawing from my experiences, I'd like to share three simple rules that can help you maximize your learning potential and boost your productivity.

Rule 1º Do what you love

When you're passionate about something, it doesn't feel like work. For me, it's tech. I can spend hours coding or learning about new technologies, and it feels like play. Think about when you were a kid, completely absorbed in your favorite game or hobby. That's the feeling we're aiming for in our work or studies. When you're genuinely into what you're doing, productivity becomes a natural by-product of your enthusiasm.

Rule 2º Go deep, not wide

Forget about juggling multiple tasks or strictly timing your work sessions. The real secret is simple: immerse yourself fully in one thing at a time. This is what's called "deep work," and it's where the magic happens.

In this zone, everything flows. You're not forcing yourself to focus; your mind naturally locks onto the task at hand. Time seems to disappear, and you emerge having accomplished more than you thought possible, all without feeling like you exerted effort.

Rule 3º You're not a robot

We're not machines, and trying to be "on" all the time is a recipe for burnout. The key to sustainable, natural productivity is working with your body's rhythms, not against them. Feeling energized? Dive into challenging tasks. Feeling tired? Switch to lighter work or take a break. The goal is to maintain a consistent, gentle flow of productivity that feels natural and sustainable. It's about progress, not perfection.


Being naturally productive isn't about pushing yourself harder. It's about finding your flow – that sweet spot where work feels effortless and time flies by. Focus on what you love, allow yourself to get deeply absorbed in your tasks, and respect your body's natural rhythms. When you align your work with these principles, you'll find yourself getting more done without it ever feeling like a chore. Remember, the aim isn't to work harder -- it's to make productivity feel as natural as possible. When you find your flow, you'll be amazed at what you can accomplish without breaking a sweat.

Want to Dive Deeper?

If you're interested in exploring these concepts further, check out these books: